Some modern building with a glass front and a monument showing the logo of NIMT.

Congratulations – it’s NIMT’s 25th anniversary!

The National Institute for Metrology in Thailand, NIMT, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its founding this summer. As PTB and as the International Cooperation group, we wish to congratulate NIMT and send our best wishes on this special occasion. There was also a change of office in the NIMT board this year. Dr. Pornchai…

Two men are shaking hands and smiling at each other, on the left is Dr. A K Tripathi, Adviser to the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and to the right is Dr. Sushil Kumar, National Physics Laboratory of India. In the background more people can be seen sitting and standing.

International forum to strengthen the Indian photovoltaic industry through QI

The International Forum on Quality in the Indian Photovoltaic Sector was held in New Delhi from 28 February to 2 March 2023. The forum brought together policy makers, regulators, quality infrastructure representatives and national as well as international photovoltaic experts to discuss challenges and solutions in the field of quality infrastructure (metrology, standardization, accreditation and…

Three men and a woman stand in front of a banner with welcome greetings.

German government delegation visits PTB’s partners in Nepal

From 2-5 November 2022, a delegation from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the German Bundestag visited Nepal. Parliamentary State Secretary Dr Bärbel Kofler was among the group that travelled to the Himalayas to discuss the continuation of bilateral cooperation between Germany and Nepal with government representatives. During their short stay, the…

Building with the lettering "7th India Water Week 2022".

PTB at India Water Week 2022

Conceptualized and organized for the first time in 2012, India Water Week is a regular forum at which the Ministry of Jal Shakti ­— formerly the Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation — invites prominent stakeholders to attend awareness-raising seminars, exhibitions and strategic planning sessions on the conservation, preservation and optimum use…

Department of Accreditation, Cambodia gains international recognition with PTB support

The Department of Accreditation (DA), Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation of The Kingdom of Cambodia became a signatory to the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) in the field of the accreditation of testing laboratories to the international standard ISO/IEC 17025 on 5 July 2022. In consequence, DA…

SAARC – A Successful Collaboration Draws to a Close

End of a twelve-year collaboration with the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation Closing workshop in Kathmandu, 11-12 October 2022 “Support to SAARC in strengthening regional integration and cooperation in the field of quality infrastructure” – it was under this title that PTB, representing the BMZ, has collaborated with the South Asian Association for Regional…

Offshore wind turbine with the label Hydrogen Power

Green Hydrogen – a colorless gas with potential.

Interdisciplinary collaboration between different sectors and nations The significant reduction of carbon dioxide emissions on our planet by 2050 is an important climate goal of countries worldwide. At the same time, a significant increase in fuel consumption is expected in emerging countries such as India in the coming years. In order to do justice to…

View of the river ganga

World Water Day 2022: Making the invisible visible

Today, 22 March, World Water Day is celebrated around the globe. Every year, a different aspect of the vital role of water in our daily lives is highlighted. In 2022, groundwater is the centre of attention. World Water Day will thus aim to make the invisible visible. But not only groundwater is invisible. There is…

Confident young female doctor working on laptop and writing something in the book.

Strengthening the Pharmaceutical Sector in Nepal with QI

Training-of-trainers seminar on analytical method validation for pharmaceutical analysis What can be done to strengthen local pharmaceutical production in Nepal and enhance added value? Finding answers to this question is the aim of an ongoing project called Support to Nepal in the field of quality infrastructure. Since 2013, PTB has been working with the Association…