“This is exactly what we needed!” – Ensuring Quality to Access Markets: A Reform Toolkit

They came from places as far away as Angola and Bosnia, from Canada and Vietnam – 170 metrologists from 70 countries met in Hamburg on 9-12 October at the invitation of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for the annual meeting of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML Their goal was to discuss the further steps…

Mauritania: On target for accreditation together with PTB

Mauritania has approximately 4.42 million inhabitants and a surface area of 1,030,700 km², making it almost three times larger than Germany. Being a transit country between West Africa and the Maghreb, Mauritania plays a special role in German Development Cooperation. Recently, the German Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, underlined in…

The 1st South Caucasus Food Analytical Conference

The first South Caucasus regional conference for food analysis will take place in Tbilisi from 29-30 March. There, 150 experts from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia will convene for short lectures, poster presentations and discussions. Representatives of the European networks Eurolab, Eurachem and the international laboratory concern Merieux Nutriscience are invited to meet talents from the…

Testing the water

Access to clean water has officially been a human right since 2010. But how can you detect contaminants in water? And who detects the germs in the water that are often invisible? Testing laboratories play a key role when it comes to successfully and reliably testing the quality of water. In the Southern African Development…

PTB Side Event at the COP23 – the message is clear

»Quality pays!« Francisco Boshell from the International Renewable Energy Agency directed this clear message to the visitors of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn – the largest conference ever organized in Germany. And the message was well received. Boshell’s contribution was part of the PTB event »Fulfilling the Promise of Paris – Quality…

African round robin of cement testing laboratories

Nods of appreciation at the construction site and closer looks at bricks: More than 30 African cement experts were impressed by the cutting-edge cement mix facility at a construction site in Cameroonian Yaoundé. Later, the group of experts visited a brick factory belonging to the Cameroonian Mission for the Promotion of Local Materials (MIPROMALO). This…

COP 23 – Fulfilling the Promise of Paris – Quality Infrastructure for the Energy Sector

Fulfilling the Promise of Paris – Quality Infrastructure for the Energy Sector The UN Climate Change Conference 2017 will take place in Bonn under Presidency of the Government of Fiji. From 6 to 17 November, diplomats, politicians and representatives of the public from all over the world will meet. During PTB’s Side-Event, “Fulfilling the Promise…