“This is exactly what we needed!” – Ensuring Quality to Access Markets: A Reform Toolkit

They came from places as far away as Angola and Bosnia, from Canada and Vietnam – 170 metrologists from 70 countries met in Hamburg on 9-12 October at the invitation of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) for the annual meeting of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML Their goal was to discuss the further steps…

Welcome to PTB’s newly established International Cooperation Department!

Since 1 October, PTB Braunschweig’s Technical Cooperation Department has had a new name: International Cooperation. We moved from Division Q, »Scientific-technical Cross-sectional Tasks« to the newly established Division 9, »Legal and International Metrology«. In the new division, we, as Department 9.3, will pursue our task of assisting the establishment of quality infrastructure in developing countries…

PTB Side Event at the COP23 – the message is clear

»Quality pays!« Francisco Boshell from the International Renewable Energy Agency directed this clear message to the visitors of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP23) in Bonn – the largest conference ever organized in Germany. And the message was well received. Boshell’s contribution was part of the PTB event »Fulfilling the Promise of Paris – Quality…

COP 23 – Fulfilling the Promise of Paris – Quality Infrastructure for the Energy Sector

Fulfilling the Promise of Paris – Quality Infrastructure for the Energy Sector The UN Climate Change Conference 2017 will take place in Bonn under Presidency of the Government of Fiji. From 6 to 17 November, diplomats, politicians and representatives of the public from all over the world will meet. During PTB’s Side-Event, “Fulfilling the Promise…

Regional Standardization Organization’s Workshop at the ISO GA 2017

The annual General Assembly of ISO members took place in Berlin this year. In order to promote dialog between the regional standardization organizations (RSOs), PTB’s Technical Cooperation Department organized an interactive workshop during the General Assembly. The one-day workshop was called »Regional Standardization Organizations in the International Context«. More and more regions and sub-regions all…

World Bank Group Delegation visits PTB on Study Trip

From 11-15 September 2017, PTB’s Technical Cooperation Department welcomed a delegation from the World Bank Group. This delegation included employees from the headquarters in Washington, D.C. as well as from individual regional offices that are involved in the planning and implementation of projects to enhance and reform quality infrastructure systems in emerging and developing countries.…