How can quality infrastructure, or QI for short, strengthen the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic? A team of internal and external PTB experts has examined this issue in a discussion paper. The topic was developed as a basis for discussion within PTB’s International Cooperation Group on a task force that deals with the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Covid-19 pandemic poses enormous challenges for the world economy and has led to a recession and weakened international trade. PTB’s International Cooperation Group sees its duty of supporting the sustainable and economic development of its partner countries as taking special precedence in these trying times. Quality assurance of products and processes is an especially good opportunity for countries in the Global South to become more competitive on the world market and thereby strengthen their local economies and make them more resilient.
The experts take a concrete approach in their working paper in order to address intervention areas for quality infrastructure in global delivery chains and agrarian value chains and examine alternatives to the dependency of primary production on the global market. The relevance of social and sustainability standards is also discussed – including in connection with ecological responsibility.
By doing so, the experts have created impulses and recommendations on how QI in partner countries can be strengthened even further during the pandemic and how innovative services that create a sustainable economic structure can be provided.
The working paper can be viewed and downloaded using the following link:
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