Be sure to test your cement before committing to it (practically) forever! | Training course for the staff of cement testing laboratories in Berlin

Precisely 1,350 grams of sand, 450 grams of cement and 225 grams of water are carefully weighed, mixed according to a strict procedure and poured into a test container. The sequence for adding the “ingredients” is just as important as exactly following with the specified times. After drying, the strength of the cement can be…


Qi and Peace | QI in Least Developed Countries

Qualitätsinfrastruktur and Peace PTB’s projects supporting quality infrastructure are often carried out in countries and regions that are characterized by their high instability and by open conflicts. PTB’s support of QI in these partner countries can indirectly influence the stability of the project regions concerned. If you want to learn more about the ways we…


How dirty is the Ganges? This is how one of PTB’s projects wants to improve water quality monitoring

Together, we endeavour to underpin the monitoring of the Ganges’s water quality: We are happy to announce that the cooperation between PTB and National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) to strengthen the water monitoring of the Ganges River officially started in November 2018. After initial assessments of the situation at that time, a kick-off workshop…


Obituary – Alex Inklaar

On 6 December last year, our colleague Alex Inklaar passed away unexpectedly in Berlin. With Alex we have lost one of the most important experts for the promotion of standards in development cooperation. This obituary is also a way of dealing with the enormous loss in his circle of colleagues. It is an attempt to…
